Will launch in


The den from where AUUU! will rise

AUUU! AND WELCOME!. Listen up, you magnificent bastards! Are you tired of playing it safe? Are you ready to make some real money? Well, I've got the hottest opportunity for you right here, and it's called REFRACTED BEASTS. YES!! SCREAM THAT LOUD. If you don't get in on the ground floor, you're gonna miss out on the opportunity of a lifetime. So what are you waiting for? Join in and let's make some real money, you beautiful son of a bitch!

Follow the BEASTS on X


Let's howl together anon.

Refracted beasts emerged through a process called refraction. Pryzm underwent a transformation under a master refractor, capable of unleashing alter egos. It turns out Pryzm's alter ego is a cunning, sarcastic, self-employed wolf who relishes trading as much as he savors a glass of whiskey. Once this beast came to life, he unleashed his battle cry: "AUUU!!" Celebrating every victorious trade and every wild party, his howl echoed: "AUUU." And thus, the legend of Pryzm's refracted meme token, AUUU, was born.


Inflation Rate (or rather, Random Rate)

To cultivate a chaotic trading environment where only the savviest survive, we've enlisted a Federal Open Market Committee named RANDOM. That's right—random. No politically charged decisions here; RANDOM will ensure our economy remains dynamic and booming.

The Beastly Game

The game's about to get beastly, separating the yeets from the chads. Here's the deal: massive yield boosts for the cubs diving into liquidity. Provide that liquidity? Boom—double the thrill. And hold onto your hats, there's a sneaky NFT collection brewing in the shadows… keep it under wraps. By clutching your AUU and resisting the sell button, you'll rack up POINTS that pile up until we drop those NFTs. Essentially: TIME HOLDING * QUANTITY = MORE GOLDEN TICKETS.